Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Lightening of Spirit

The last week has been pretty darn exhausting on my poor ol' heart. Thinking of Wilson and what his little body is having to endure has caused anxieties and worry for all of us. This morning, I was standing at my sink and looking out at the cold, (really cold) gray morning and started to feel gloomy again. Then my eyes shifted from the bleak winter outside to the Christmas lights that are still mingled around my windows and gracing my shelves. When I initially took my decor down, I left these lights up merely by oversight and not on purpose. They do add an extra bit of warmth and charm to my kitchen and I haven't had the heart to take them down. Something as trivial and insignificant as a string of Christmas lights sure can change a person's outlook because I could feel myself becoming lighter, happier, refreshed. 
 I was thinking about how I would take their picture and write about them in my blog while I continued on with my dish washing. The weird thing is that while I was pondering what I would say about them, one little light lost it's grip and fell down in the corner of the shelf. Hmmm, for a minute I thought "I have actual magical powers!!", then I just guessed that they were as happy to be noticed as I was to notice them. But then I remembered that I had just set a jar in that corner not 5 minutes before and must have moved them just enough to cause the light to fall. All that aside, I am feeling better. I'm not saying that a string of lights healed me, they just lightened my mood and I think I'll just leave them right where they are...at least until Spring. 

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