Monday, November 24, 2008

They're Baaaack

The mallards that winter here on the farm are back. I am quite fond of these guys, they are so peaceful and mysterious. Usually when winter begins to set in, I start to look for them out on my pond, just like I anticipate the return of the martins in spring. What thrills me most is knowing that, more than likely, these are the same ducks that return here year after year. I so wish I could talk to them about their travels. Where did you go this summer little ducks? Was is lovely? Did you see the ocean? Were the elements hard on you? Did you think of me and long to return? The fact that they did travel far and return is reward enough, I guess. Perhaps not knowing the details is what makes their presence here all the more unexplainable and peculiar. I just know that it makes me happy to have a chance to admire them, not just for their obvious beauty, but for their perplexing lifestyle. We could all learn a thing or two from our webbed-footed friends. 

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