Sunday, November 9, 2008

Puppy love

Now, I know I've been doing a lot of writing and picture-posting about my dogs lately...I still love the humans in my family so don't be alarmed. 

Things are going very well with our newest member, Wilson. He is winning us over more everyday with his sweet little puppy antics. It is really challenging to take pictures of him while he is awake because he won't get more than a few feet from me. I had to run from him, quickly get down on  his level and start shooting to get the above picture. He is sleeping better at night, is very quickly catching on to the house breaking and is learning what the words "no, no" mean. He was having a little tummy problem the last few days. I've taken advice from the vet and family friends and have been giving him pepto bismol, yogurt, and rice cereal and he is doing much better today. I don't think I've ever watched so intently or worried so much about the consistency of a puppy's poo, or been so happy when it looked normal. This is what my life has been reduced to. I wouldn't change it though because, if I haven't mentioned it before, I love this little guy. 

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