Saturday, August 2, 2008


I didn't intend for my blog to be a place to post memories of my dead pets, however, I lost another dear one today and this is my place to put my stories. We got this rabbit when Taylor was in the 2nd grade, and she will be starting 10th in a couple of weeks. So, needless to say, she's been around a while. She lived in the house for a couple of years before we got her a hutch built for outside. Once she ran away and was gone for nearly a month. We, of course, thought that she had been eaten by coyotes or some other horrid fate, but then one day when the kids were out riding on the four-wheeler, there she was. She was skinny and covered in ticks, but she was fine. 
I took this picture of her in '06. Mom needed a cute picture for a tea party invitation and asked me if I could do this for her. I had the tea pot and cup arranged with the daisies and thought, "this needs another element". I tried a kitty, but that didn't work, then I thought about my bunny. My heart was so thrilled when she started nibbling the daisies for this made such a lovely picture. I'll always remember that. She was a little cantankerous at times and would even chase the dogs, but she loved to be petted and scratched, and I loved to provide this service. Every morning I would pick her fresh grass and scratch her behind the ears for a little while, usually waiting for the goats to finish eating. I'll sure miss this little ritual, it was calming to me. I'm sure I'll end up with another bunny, somehow I can't seem to live without one. Mom has some pictures of her when she was little...she said she'd look for them and send them to me. Bye little bunny

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