Saturday, August 11, 2007

Big Day

We had a big day on the farm today. Rodney cut the hay meadow on Thursday and it was ready to bale today. I got most of it tedded before the tedder broke, apparently it wasn't anything serious but we decided to let that be it for tedding. I started raking about 3:00 and raked until about 5:30. Rodney didn't even get baled what I raked and he said that the count on the baler was already 56. By my estimation, we should end up with about 150 rolls or more just out of that field.
When I got home, from raking, Rodney called and said there was a problem with the water at the chicken houses. So we had to deal with changing filters and such at the pump house this evening. I also sprayed round-up around the ponds and chicken houses today...all of this with it being 5000 degrees outside. When I was raking, I put a ziploc bag with ice in it under my hat...I poked a few holes in it so as the ice was melting that cold water was running down my neck and back keeping me nice and cool. I thought it was a pretty genious idea myself.
I am pretty tired and my head is starting to ache. But this evening, I was driving home in the dark on the four-wheeler, the air was nice and cool and all the way home I could smell that hypnotic fragrance of hay in the field. That made it all worth while. I wish that I could send all of you a big breeze filled with that fragrance.

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